Duration 1:42

'How I made bionic arm out of junk' - BBC News

712 637 watched
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Published 28 Jan 2016

I Wayan Sumardana, a welder in Indonesia who claims to have made a "bionic arm" out of scrap metal, says he's been obsessed with machines from a young age. Subscribe to BBC News HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog Check out our website: http://www.bbc.com/news Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbcworldnews Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bbcworld Instagram: http://instagram.com/bbcnews


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Comments - 526
  • @
    @derkaiser502 years ago “Life is hard, Death is easy” most badass quote from a guy who built a machine to move his arm. 85
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    @mrgreen39427 years ago my reaction to this. 114
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    @-DeScruff8 years ago Hey hire this man for prop creation for the next Mad Max or other post apocalyptic movies. Hed certainly make more money then whatever hes doing now. 232
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    @wilmarsh1337 years ago LOL, I love how he pretends to sync up with the machine at 52
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    @ashmasterc8 years ago There is a very easy way for this guy to prove that his invention work. Do like every other inventor and take your arm out of the invention and try to make it move without anything in it. 73
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    @NovaNationX7 years ago he deserve an oscar 40
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    @PR-ot7qd8 years ago real or not, that's some cool looking contraption 329
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    @TonyStark-st9fg8 years ago Plot twist: it's actually about an Indonesian guy who wants to try to build a power armor suit like in Fallout and BBC just edited the subtitles 25
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    @ARRW46 years ago you can see his forearm muscles moving 19
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    @BananaMike7808 years ago it's similar to a lie detector in that it's typically used on someone who's lying 231
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    @kitsunesden80855 years ago >Does welding for living.
    >Can't afford food.
    >Lost "control" on left arm.
    "I guess I'll build a robot arm with my extensive knowledge in robotics while welding using bootleg sun glasses to buy rice!" ...
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    @rodzamora25268 years ago Disclaimer: I'm not an expert: if you don't want to hear it from "not an expert" don't read.
    To create a "bionic arm" like that, the knowledge in following fields should be required:
    1. Neuroscience:
    Observe that the "electrode" headband thing on his head isn't even close to the part of the brain that controls movement (cerebellum, located at the lower back of the head). Say that he is using other parts of the brain, which is possible, note that "Electrodes" are also precise devices, you can't simply put a headband thing and expect them to read the brain activity that you want.
    2. Computer Science/Computer Programming:
    Ever heard of Evolutionary Algorithms, Genetic Algorithm, Back Propagation and the likes.
    Please be informed that every human brain are slightly different from each other. One needs to know that a certain set of brain activity corresponds to a certain set of movements, emotion, sensations etc. These always happens at the same time and so Brain cells or Neuron firing signals are always mixed up with one another.
    That is why you need to filter which set Neuron Signals you want to use and you need a computer to do that
    , and no not the mother board (or whatever it is) at his back.
    3. Mechanical Engineering:
    Check out that very powerful "Actuator", it sure can carry his entire "paralyzed arm".
    there is also and actuator starting from his upper right chest to his shoulder, if it is moving it will just move the structure on his shoulder out of place.
    (i should stop here, just see for your self, Camera angles doesn't allow you to have a good look at the contraption but it still wrong in so many levels).
    4. Electrical Engineering: Which he learned in High School, so OK:
    5. Ummm, welding: he good at that:
    And perhaps other science that i haven't thought or heard of.
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    @arpanjati2508 years ago Its really sad to see BBC falling for this cheap HOAX. Some of the junk as recognized:
    1) Tubes from medical oxygen delivery (for no reason at all)
    2) Left red module is some kind of video recording device (Camera + SD CARD SLOT), Green device is probably a toy with a power supply and a small micro-controller (Plus a crystal osc). Makes no sense in any bionic arm.
    3) A mouse with some LED's, yes an Optical mouse, with the camera :)
    4) Fake/Pneumatic looking devices and pipes which cause no sound at all :P
    5) Motors without power supply or control wires, or even position sense/feedback mechanism.
    6) Stepper motor apparently runs with just two wires, that's just hilarious. Again the feedback not used. And, we are not even talking BLDC here.
    These were the glaring ones, now if I start about the sensing, analysis and its going to get messy. Let's start with the sensor, , its supposed to turn on the blue LED's when it receives a 'brain wave'.
    Apparently, it has no signal conditioning, per-amplifiers and any of the required precise electronics to do any of that. Its technically impossible to modify that circuit to read brain waves, its just not going to work. Moreover, the signal processing needs much more processing than shown, I mean orders of magnitude higher than shown here; in simple terms, the arm is a much more complex thing than people seem to believe, and neuro-science is damn hard.
    Even if we assume (of course the assumption is not true anyway), that the brain signals are read somehow, the motors and pneumatic system is just fake and it cannot work. Any, such system needs a closed-loop to work. No feedback and the device would go haywire, its simply how it works. Stepper motors have two pairs of coils at a minimum and need 4 wires to be driven, 2 wires as shown in the video won't and can't work.
    What job two cameras, and the mouse on the back is doing is just baffling. Last but not the least, an air pneumatic system without a working pump (and, yes it causes sounds, lots of it).
    The saddest thing is to see that anyone in BBC is not able to call it a hoax.
    The BBC website states 'He claims the machine is controlled by brain signals, but experts have cast doubts upon it', I mean just doubts, what kind of experts are these, who cannot call out a hoax :(
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    @Krajorg8 years ago He can build a huge machine but he can't go to work? 94
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    @pyscobrand7 years ago I would've believed it if the guy put the "sensors" around his shoulder, shoulder blade, and upper chest. Electrical prosthetic arms relies on the electrical impulses in the muscles of the afflicted areas to engage and disengage movement, if we could decipher neurological electrical impulses though the head then we would've had cyborgs a long time ago. ... 7
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    @Same4Ever186 years ago True or not, he’s welding with sun glasses on, holy shit. He will need to invent bionic eyes soon. Lol 5
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    @thedarkflowkiller8 years ago BBC falling for the cheap hoax. Are you serious ? His arm looks completely fine without the robot arm, and why the hell is there so many LEDs on his helmet thing, LEDS aren't meant to read your mind xd 256
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    @AcceptNoLimitVids7 years ago His next project will need to be some 'bionic eyes" because those fake
    Oakleys he's sporting while welding aren't gonna do jack-shit to protect his retinas from the arc flash of his welder.
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    @markyoder37287 years ago meanwhile...moving his left arm to hoist the machine onto his shoulders😂😂😂😂 4
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    @pbradford0218 years ago That man is a slick salesman. He doesn't need a suit and tie he can lie right to your face and you believe it... Or Not. 5
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    @johnmarkreandilar10538 years ago I don't know what to say.. Logically speaking, after watching this video i might say that its fake, but since i'm on the internet i will probably get attacked .. So i'm just gonna say what eves. 13
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    @tuanoful8 years ago what the hell BBC, are you really that naive!?!??!?! 100
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    @aponaponaponapon3 years ago He knows many things of technologies love for him
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    @mauirandall81765 years ago "It's similar to a lie detector"
    Lights on the device flash erratically
    Yep checks out
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    @9Roosh8 years ago Real or not, that would get severe attention at a comic con or fan expo. Ghetto Full Metal Alchemist. 49
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    @IndigoXYZ188 years ago Most Cyberpunk thing I've seen this year. 1
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    @contirossini6 years ago Ok... " look at me! I can't use my arm to work... So I'll use my arm to build an arm, so i can work!" 3
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    @mrjjena32757 years ago just do not go through the comments.whatever u have done u have done far more than a weilder.we should appreciate ur work.those who give negative comment i just want to tell them if u are at that position like him are u able to make that kind of thing..? ...
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    @theoddplebs8 years ago wow... life is hard, dying is easy. thats some quote u got there man
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    @SciStarborne8 years ago This is basically cosplay. It's no more a bionic arm than Titan the Robot is a real functioning AI.
    At the 1min mark you can see the headband just has the guts of a cheap SD card video camera tied to it. There's also no contact points on the inside of the headband by which either brainwave monitoring or resistive lie-detection could work.
    The thing on his back with a green LED is the guts of an optical mouse.
    The elbow gearbox has no output. The "pistons" are air-springs that would push rather than pull if they worked at all. The shoulder bracket is a bicycle brake caliper that would snap if it actually had any load put on it like that. The potentiometer on the shoulder has its shaft welded to something that can't turn. The guts of a laser-printer, the suspension air reservoir from a car, bits of old hose..
    Also, you know, his arm moving freely around inside it at .
    Bravo sir, you've shown how low the technology reporting of the BBC has fallen. I'm off to strap some xmas light to a broom and tell them I'd made a ray-gun.
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    @jasonmosler3 years ago as someone who works with prosthetics on a daily basis. i have a lot of doubts about the validity of this. 2
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    @futureastronaut60368 years ago Even if this is fake ya'll haters can't do half of what he did using scraps. 27
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    @adityadhar4686last year Props to this man, building an exoskeleton out of scratch
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    @Blockistium8 years ago He even says it's very simple, it's not very sophisticated. Why are you all bashing this guy for his creativity? 1
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    @adrianqx7 years ago let him move it with his mind when his arm is not inside the contraption 6
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    @misaelrojas1187 years ago Give this man the right equipment and hell build you a iron man suit
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    @MrEnygma10007 years ago I gave up when I saw the response time of the "exoskeleton". By the way, where is the power supply? 4
  • 8 years ago Es bonito pensar que estas cosas puedan ser ciertas; pero no lo creeré del todo hasta que sea confirmado por otras fuentes. Es bonito soñar.
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    @riotmakerzeronine67616 years ago "You had a Metal arm, That's Awesome dude!"
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    @digitalconsciousness6 years ago Those onlookers staring right at the arc welding... isn't that bad for their eyes? 1
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    @aestevalis08 years ago I think I'm going to have to call shenanigans on this.
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    @joseconstantino38583 years ago This man is amazing. I'm looking into people like this. 3
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    @isaacpadron7393 years ago Some tech company need to hire him, he built a prosthesis out of junk
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    @vishakhakumar38548 years ago You are an inspiration!
    keep up the good work
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    @Ragroin7 years ago Electrical engineering = Neuroscience, yea, that TOTALLY makes sense 2
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    @helionator3 years ago This man is an inspration to max's exoskeleton on elysium
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    @youreallyshouldntcare41447 years ago Well this would not be the first time surprising breakthroughs come from where it's least expected!
    However, the sound from pneumatics seems non-existing, steppers seem too weak and I don't get how he localize with enough accuracy which part of the brain being responsible for which part of the signal. ...
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    @papiloved76713 years ago no wonder snake (big boss) is looking for you. 1
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    @gregbrown19567 years ago This strikes me as a power-assist apparatus. It may indeed be helpful to the man though I question the bulk of the unit. 5
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    @PDZofficial6 years ago Hoax or not, the guy has an extreme artistic ability. 2
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    @JaraFPV8 years ago -- sorry, that's camera right there (red PCB) .. It's used with some cheap drones
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    @Kipgendio7 years ago Oh man.... I wanna believe it... I'm no expert so I cant be sure... But everything is pointing south for this guy.
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    @elvisbruyneel7 years ago Lol, why al the technical explanations? There is absolutely no muscle deterioration in that left arm whatsoever and He's litterally leaning with both his arms on his lap while he's saying he's paralysed in his left -_-' ... 1
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    @zaccmettajask4556 years ago To fight monsters,we created monster of our own ..
    The jaeger program was born
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    @Jinouga5023 years ago Meanwhile someone in my bioengineering class is failing because he's partying. 1
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    @dylanmikagami89838 years ago it is possible...
    look at his arms and you will see something.. its like pulling, pushing and more, you will notice also the fingers.
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    @SpitshineSneakers8 years ago It's a cool looking arm, but I'm highly skepitcal of it. Normal bionic arms work by rerouting nerves onto the remaining arm muscles (assuming we're talking about missing limbs) and placing the sensors there. I don't see how the headband is supposed to work. ...
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    @Clyde20028 years ago wow, amazing I'm jaw drop..kudos to this dude great job.
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    @mridhulml92382 years ago Wow smart guy! I really respect him for his efforts. What an immense motivation!
    The man made a fully functional-prosthentic arm that can read brain waves ! The man must be respected for his skills in... Marketing lol, he obviously got a few people to sign up for his welding class or workshop after this😂 ...
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    @MrJohnnynoob8 years ago his exoskeleton looks promising what if he develop more on that exoskeleton to become more compact
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    @tobias58117 years ago It looks like a Raider Powerarmor from Fallout
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    @redcubegamer77164 years ago i mean look at his hand how can he fake that? 1
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    @chaseleary55157 years ago if this guy was smart enough to make this thing, he wouldn't be wearing sunglasses while welding. ouch my eye's
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    @r50377 years ago It's pretty clear that this is some kind of promo for his shop so people will come to buy work from him. I really wish it was true but, it doesn't even look like its attached to his forearm with enough torque to move it. Also, from the looks of it, he is just moving his arm. His movement is too natural and perfect to be the result of that device. ...
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    @slitor8 years ago Hey people, anyone seen the "Jedi levitation" toy ?
    Do you know there are open EEG software tools out there?
    Is it claimed it controlled his "entire" arm?
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    @farkhodkhikmatov47388 years ago wtf did I just hear.... brain powers his machine?
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    @chloerayn7 years ago I believed it right up until the lie detector mind control part XD
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    @marving.54368 years ago Ok first people who have degrees get hurt by this. he was able to create something like this despite his lack of education whether a hoax or not the assembly and the gears is way cooler than most engineering students could ever built of course it just looks awful coming from a junk shop ...
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    @rennjudeapatan23698 years ago - repeated it a lot of times :) He's arm looks fine to me ^_^
    and also watch the machine if its really pull/push some of its part to bend his arm. not exactly. this is one good joke :)
    TBH, machines move slow in this kind of situation. i mean in the way of moving it, how it bends. and thinking about that parts :O wow.
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    @thebeard4936 years ago .. this guy can make iron man mark 1 suit someday
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    @L3thal696 years ago how the hell does him program that if he cant afford rice 1
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    @Technispace7 years ago everything depends on real proof for other person to actually see it working for him and if common man invents it should be available very cheap.
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    @ElectronicsForFun7 years ago so years of RND and millions of dollars have given us semi coherent arms, but this guy can make a fully functioning arm out of trash in just a few months? why is he a welder!!! he should be the leading guy in bionic limbs.
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    @americannobody276 years ago If that's real he has a much brighter future in-store than working in a rice paddy, or wherever he works! 1
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    @akhtara51654 years ago If this truly works and is REAL this GUY should be FINANCED by RIGHTFUL Investors...BRAVO ! I love underdogs blessed with talent but miss the opportunity of RIGHTFUL contacts..
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    @gizmop0ny4 years ago That awkward moment when u understand the language but kept reading the subtitle